Where to Vote on 11/03/2009 for Rye Mayor, Council Elections

Rye voting is open all day tomorrow, Tuesday, November 3rd from 6am until 9pm.

Voting is patriotic Make the time and go vote for Rye mayor and city council. To find your voting location, use this look-up table from the New York State Board of Elections or this look-up from the Westchester County Board of Elections. Note, both of these look-ups are kind of finicky, so you might have to use variations of your name or street (for instance, one recognized "Ave" and did not recognize "Avenue". Go figure.)

Rye Polling Locations

You polling / voting location in Rye will be one of these locations, depending on your voting district number:


Election Results will be posting election results as soon as they are available after polls close on Tuesday, November 3rd at 9pm. Please check early and often!

Can't Decide?

If you missed them, read's profiles of city council candidates Andy Ball, Richard Filippi, Peter Jovanovich, Suzanna Keith, Myles Lavelle and Joe Murphy. And also read our profiles of mayoral candidates Doug French and Steve Otis. Good luck to all the candidates!



  1. I am on my way to vote now. I am voting for Mayor Otis. I may not agree with everything he has done but I am grateful that he knows the majority of the “bloggers” are the same 4 individuals (who change their names so that it appears to be more of them) that are getting kicks out of disgracing Rye. They have their own agendas. The Republicans seem to be embracing those who have big mouths and say lies and don’t have to show proof of what they are saying. Go Mayor Otis!

  2. Honest Citizen,

    Lucky you have the right to vote at all – Otis oppresses the laws so much now that if he happens to survive today, Rye will all likely be subject to a much wider range of “prosecutorial discretion” issues that his secret running mate Kevin Plunkett cooks up.

    Plunkett will very likely attempt an attack on Jay. He will frame it “defending Rye’s interests.”

    I for one have had it with the lawlessness, the destruction of our wetland treasures, the proliferate spending and the absurd and climbing debt but most of all, I find the lies, lies lies so uncharacteristic of the Rye I grew up in and love. The lies I will not miss one bit.

    Vote for Doug French and his team and bring Rye back to life.

  3. “Eat Mr. Floatie and like it” seems to be what Doug French is saying to Rye. He has never addressed the embarrassment to Rye done by Mr. Turd. Does Mr. French expect different treatment from irrational Rye residents? I hope not, because if he wins he will not get it. What comes around goes around. Doug French is the embarrassment to Rye. At least the current Otis Admin. has stood up to Mr. Floatie. French has not. He hasn’t and he won’t. Will Mr. Floatie, non-resident, have influence over Dpug French? Stay tuned.

  4. Has the 100 foot wetlands buffer zone been enforced along the whole coast line Rye? Hen Island is prevented from putting biodegradable leaves in the buffer zone and The AYC pumps gasoline right over the water. Doug French has promised us he will enforce the law. I hope so.

  5. A New Rye –

    My public advocacy of Rye environmental and rule of law causes is well known to readers now – but let’s face it – the subject getting the most attention throughout town these days is – can we still afford to live in Rye? Here are some thoughts.

    My strong belief is that there is no component of our property taxes in Rye – school, county or city – which cannot be cut. All can and should be cut – not simply capped. Our current “elected managers” have been asked to do this and they have failed. They have excuses and excuses and excuses. They show us pictures of cute kids, puppy dogs and flowers yet they hide their own bombshell spending secrets.

    Last spring’s school board election was a referendum on many things not the least of which were spending and property taxes. Thanks to “The Fantastic Four” and others, the ludicrous litigation spending on the Osborn Home tax certiorari ambush mess was laid bare before the voting. Let’s all hope our newly constituted school board charts a fresh and fiscally responsible course.

    At the County level, where we get to make a decision tomorrow, our current County management has led us to tops nationwide for county taxes. But Mr. Spano has a problem. A community on Long Island and one in California is very very close to getting ahead of us in their own spending and thus taking away our “top taxer” in the U.S. prize. As taxpayers of both Rye and Westchester County, our vote tomorrow will help send a signal as to whether we accept going broke as a viable municipal strategy or not.

    And at the Rye City level, where we also get to make a decision tomorrow, real spending is now literally off the charts. I offer my sincere thanks as a taxpayer to the “Change” candidates for delivering this message in such a graphically stunning way. The long running trench warfare that defines FOIL requests at Rye City Hall has produced some truly rare gems of mismanagement data but nothing so far tells the story as strongly as two simple graphs showing the dramatic upward spikes in both taxes and debt. Both were worth a thousand words each.

    Revolving – door management, slavish litigation, over the top “special” contracts and other misadventures drain Rye’s discretionary resources. Without this drain we could retain literally millions of our own tax dollars to put immediately into multiple projects that we now go “hat-in-hand” for from outside agencies. Grants are fine, but creation of an artificial dependency on them is imprudent and no way to run a small government.

    And lastly please just a few words about civic decency. All organizations find it hard to admit mistakes. Their lawyers instinctively advise them to never admit anything, which inevitably results in lawsuits and then even bigger lawsuits. In my 50 plus years here I’ve repeatedly seen strong, responsive public leaders cut the legs out from under such nonsense by coming out early and publically and saying “Yes, we made a mistake.” I don’t think anyone blamed them for that. And we were all richer for it.

  6. I gusee the 30,000 TONS of sand that was dumped into the Sound over by Playland wasn’t a big enough amount of pollution for the Republicans to notice. Jovanovich’s wife’s paper had it on the front page yet no outrage. Are these fake environmentalists for real? What happened to the other 30,000 TONS? I guess it’s wrecking some lobster feeding bed in the Sound. Oh well.

  7. Honest Citizen,

    Let me see if I understand this;
    you are voting for Otis because YOU THINK 4 individuals are repeatedly changing their names in blogging!

    WOW – It’s a good thing we have you here in Rye. Nice to know that we are all in the company of a person such as you whom really knows what is GOOD FOR RYE!

    “The Republicans seem to be embracing those who have big mouths and say lies and don’t have to show proof of what they are saying”.

    What proof are you looking for?

    The proof that Ray has been displaying for the last 4 years!

    The proof that Tim has been laying out in B & W for the last 4EVER YEARS!

    The proof (letter from Judy Meyers) that I took the time to show all of you that Otis is nothing but a LYER and doesn’t have a decent bone in his body!

    As you can clearly see, or maybe not since you are voting for Otis, the only one SPREADING LIES IS OTIS!!!

    None of us have our own agenda and ONLY WANT WHAT IS GOOD FOR RYE!!!

    Remember 3 out of the 4 individuals you are pointing your ANONYMOUS finger at are LIFE LONG RYE RESIDENTS and our families have been here for Generations!

    In fact, some of our family members SERVED THE CITY OF RYE for MANY YEARS!

    The only agenda we have is in THE BEST INTEREST OF RYE!!!

    You may be right in saying we have BIG MOUTHS but at least we are not afraid to put our FACES with OUR “TRUTHFUL” WORDS!!!

    Your pathetic and a disgrace to Rye. The only people DISGRACING RYE are individuals such as yourself and of course MAYOR OTIS!

    SO, you go ahead and vote for Otis, he will need your vote!!!

  8. Hey Eat **** head,

    What is all this garble you are foaming from the mouth with?

    Do you really think this is going to get your friend Otis more votes?

    Your pathetic, and your comments are off topic!

    He is making a mockery of MyRye!

  9. Eat More ****,

    I never never SAID CONNORS was corrupt, and FTR- I have never used the WORD CORRUPT!!!


    Please, if you plan to quote me get YOUR **** TOGETHER B4 you insert YOUR FOOT INTO YOUR BIG MOUTH!

  10. This is a copy of a letter that was sent to Mayor Otis after I appeared in front of the County Legislatures. IT CLEARLY states Rye’s responsibilities as to County Owned Roads!
    Notice the date of December 10, 2008;

    I appeared in front of Mayor Otis and the City Council for the first time since Jarrid’s accident on June 14,2006!


    Judith A. Myers
    Legislator, 7th District
    Majority Whip

    Honorable Steve Otis
    City Hall
    1051 Boston Post Road
    Rye, NY 10580

    – ~ -‘

    Committee Assignmen
    Budget & Appropriatic
    Community Servi.

    Environment & Ener
    Government Operatic
    Generational, Cultural & Ethnic Diven
    Public Safety & SeCUJ

    10 December 2008

    Dear Mayor Otis and members of the Rye City Council,

    At the most recent Board of Legislators meeting, Rye resident Jim Amico spoke during
    the public comment portion of the agenda. He had previously spoken with me over the
    weekend about his concerns regarding traffic on Midland Avenue and the fact that he was
    told that it was the County’s responsibility to regulate traffic on this county-owned

    I would like to bring to your attention Section 1640 of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law.
    It specifically grants cities and villages the right to regulate traffic by means of traffic
    signals and stop signs as well as the right to regulate pedestrian crossings. Section 1651
    states that the right of the county to regulate traffic by signals and stop signs does not
    apply in cities (Rye) or villages. Therefore, it is up to the City of Rye to address the
    Midland A venue concerns.

    At Rye’s request a speed study was done by the county in 2006 and 2007 on Midland
    Avenue, the details of which were given to Scott Pickup and Brian Dempsey. At the time,
    Keven Roseman of the County’s DPW suggested a potential crosswalk at either Goldwin
    Street or Palisade Road. Further, the suggestion of a stop sign was passed along as well,
    given the success of the stop sign that was placed on Wappanocca Avenue (another
    county road).

    I hope this clears up any confusion regarding Jim Amico’s request. If the county can be
    of further help please don’t hesitate to call me.

    Cc: Jim Amico

    Tel: (914) 995-2802 • Fax: (914) 995-3884 • E-mail:

    800 IVlichaeilan Office Bldg. 148 Martine Avenue, White Plains NY. 10601 • • 914.995.2800 (

  11. Eat Mr. Floatie,

    Lucky you have the right to vote at all – Otis oppresses the laws so much now that if he happens to survive today, Rye will all likely be subject to a much wider range of “prosecutorial discretion” issues that his secret running mate Kevin Plunkett cooks up.

    Plunkett will very likely next attempt an attack on Jay. He will frame it “defending Rye’s interests.”

    I for one have had it with the lawlessness, the destruction of our wetland treasures, the proliferate spending and the absurd and climbing debt but most of all, I find the lies, lies lies so uncharacteristic of the Rye I grew up in and love. The lies I will not miss one bit.

    Vote for Doug French and his team and bring Rye back to life. Don’t believe me? Here’s a lifelong democrat’s perspective –

  12. Everybody!

    Go out and vote. Remind your neighbors to vote!


    Hopefully two things will happen after today:

    First and foremost, hopefully whoever wins will lead Rye and address all issues important to Rye.

    Second, once the election is over, hopefully the nonsense on this site will cease. I don’t care if people use their real names or screen names when having ‘civilized’ discussions — nothing wrong with that. But to those who insist on trashing people, accusing people of wrongdoings and (I hate to say it) those “adults” who insist on name calling, please grow up. Or at least use your real name.

    As posted by a few people, there is a core of four or so posters who use multiple screen names and sound very childish (most times). Is this really how you want your message to get out?


  13. Honest Citizen,

    Let me see if I understand this;
    you are voting for Otis because YOU THINK 4 individuals are repeatedly changing their names in blogging!

    WOW – It’s a good thing we have you here in Rye. Nice to know that we are all in the company of a person such as you whom really knows what is GOOD FOR RYE!

    “The Republicans seem to be embracing those who have big mouths and say lies and don’t have to show proof of what they are saying”.

    What proof are you looking for?

    The proof that Ray has been displaying for the last 4 years!

    The proof that Tim has been laying out in B & W for the last 4EVER YEARS!

    The proof (letter from Judy Meyers) that I took the time to show all of you that Otis is nothing but a LYER and doesn’t have a decent bone in his body!

    As you can clearly see, or maybe not since you are voting for Otis, the only one SPREADING LIES IS OTIS!!!

    None of us have our own agenda and ONLY WANT WHAT IS GOOD FOR RYE!!!

    Remember 3 out of the 4 individuals you are pointing your ANONYMOUS finger at are LIFE LONG RYE RESIDENTS and our families have been here for Generations!

    In fact, some of our family members SERVED THE CITY OF RYE for MANY YEARS!

    The only agenda we have is in THE BEST INTEREST OF RYE!!!

    You may be right in saying we have BIG MOUTHS but at least we are not afraid to put our FACES with OUR “TRUTHFUL” WORDS!!!

    Your pathetic and a disgrace to Rye. The only people DISGRACING RYE are individuals such as yourself and of course MAYOR OTIS!

    SO, you go ahead and vote for Otis, he will need your vote!!!

  14. Avg.Citizen,
    Nice of you to join the ranks of Honest Citizen when thinking we are logging on under numerous names.

    I toned this down a bit as I don’t think you deserve the same:

    None of us have our own agenda and ONLY WANT WHAT IS GOOD FOR RYE!!!

    Remember 3 out of the 4 individuals you are pointing your ANONYMOUS finger at are LIFE LONG RYE RESIDENTS and our families have been here for Generations!

    In fact, some of our family members SERVED THE CITY OF RYE for MANY YEARS!

    The only agenda we have is in THE BEST INTEREST OF RYE!!!

  15. Jim, please re-read my post.

    Your comment back to me seems like you think I am taking sides. Why did you include the “3 out of 4” comment? I haven’t said ONE WORD about anybody directly on this site.

    I post a lot on this site, so maybe I posted something that caused you to lump me in with the others. If you can find that post(s), I will be more that happy to clarify my postion (or apologize).

    And yes, there are too many multiple posters here. You are one of a handful who uses their true identity; I applaud that.

    As I stated previously, I feel that there is nothing wrong with using a screen name (espcially when discussing politics!), but once personal attacks start, then it gets ridiculous. Do you agree?

  16. Don’t sweat it Jim. I love kids too. In fact I love them so much I want them to grow up to be just like a Doug French Supporter who shows up to the council meetings. I force my kid to watch the Council meetings. He knows all the slogans now. “You lie”, “your corrupt”, “your incompetent”. In fact, he wanted to be Dereck Jeter for Halloween but I forced him to be a Doug French supporter because they are such good examples for the kids. I know how much they love kids. Anyway, instead of saying “Trick or Treat” , Little Johnny was saying “Your Corrupt or a liar, which one is it?” You can imagine the looks on the faces of the people volunteering to give out the candy. Anyway, I hope litle Johnny grows up to be just like a Doug French Supporter because they love the kids so much.

  17. Dear Eat Mr. Floatie and like it:

    While I have no idea why you enjoy eating Mr. Flaotie so much, like it or not, our kids are learning about Mr. Floatie, MyRye, Mr. Schubert and the effects they have had on our community.

    Rye High School teachers are teaching our kids about civics, government and how to bring about change and MyRye, Mr. Schubert and Mr. Floatie are a part of the lesson plan.

    MyRye, Mr. Schubert and Mr. Floatie have forced positive changes to the way our government responds to us as a community. That is a good thing.

    Why did it have to be forced?

  18. Avg. Citizen,

    I have been on the receiving end of that many times.

    Most bloggers on her consider the anonymous ones to be Ted,Tim,Ray.
    Most of you associate them and me as a whole.

    So when the term “core of four” is used in the accusations I assume that includes Ted,Tim,Ray,Jim.

    So,lets be honest here…Isn’t that the exact four everyone is referring to?

    No one has to mention names, most of us know how to read between the lines!

    To Eat **** and like it,

    Is that all you got to try and save Otis’s ***???
    I’m sure he’s happy to have you in his corner along side Mrs.Neary!

  19. Since Council meeting going Doug French supporters are such fine examples to our kids, because they love them so much, I need some advice. My little Johnny wants to dress up as an erect penis and attend the Council meetings. I figured it couldn’t be anymore obscene than a turd. He wants to bring attention to Rye Residents about how much we’re getting screwed. I know he might be a bit young, but should I discourage him from getting politally active without risking he get sexually active? I know how much you Doug French supporters love the kids. Anyone want to chime in?

  20. Eat ****,

    You, without doubt are a complete fool!

    Check back in at 9pm with your non-sense. Let’s see what you have to say then!

    Since you are the bigger D***, I think you should show up at the next council meeting, NO COSTUME NEEDED!

    Otis must be REALLY REALLY DESPERATE for votes!!!

  21. Dear Eat Mr. Floatie and Enjoy it:

    Sounds like your son is taking after his dad in wanting to become an erect penis. You should be proud.

    Now at the Council meetings we will have a big turd dressed up as Mr. Floatie who represents Otis and his non actions and your son dressed up as an erect penis representing that you love kids.

  22. Dear Eat Mr. Floatie and like it,
    I think people are a little smarter than to believe your scare tactics that French is going to overdo it with environmental enforcement. I am sure he realizes that we all have to live in balance with nature. Remember it was Otis that ridiculously refused any building, environmental, health or safety code enforcement on Hen Island.

    Maybe you can tell me which Hen Islander are you? Are you the one that builds walls without permits along the shore?

    Why not let the voters know you are trying to scare them into voting for Otis so you can continue the code enforcement avoidance?
    Ray Tartaglione

  23. Or are you the corporation president Ben Minard that has his sewage pit less than ten feet from the shoreline?
    Is it possible that you own this abandoned home that the Health Department has classified as a fire hazard and Otis has refused to acknowledge?
    Maybe you are the owner of this home that has no working sewage system? If you are, where do you go to the bathroom when you use the Island?

    Ray Tartaglione

  24. Or maybe you are the owner of this Pit that is located less than ten feet from the shore just a few hundred feet from where Greenhaven children play in the water at the Homeowners association beach?
    Again, why not let the voters know you are trying to scare them into voting for Otis so you can continue the code enforcement avoidance?
    Ray Tartaglione

  25. Amazing. The same nonsense over and over. Ray are you going to finally tell the truth????

    Did your attorney lie in the Journal News article when he stated that you installed a “self contained” system without Health Department approval? Or, did you install that system illegally?

    Did you lie when you posted here that you illegally expanded your septic system? Or, did you expand it illegally?

    Stop avoiding the question and come clean.

  26. What’s the matter, Ray?

    Why don’t you answer the question?

    Is it because you performed the work illegally?

    Is it because you and your attorney both lied?

    I would suspect that it is both.

    You have no credibility.

  27. Ray
    Fading Fading…
    Assumptions made…leading to unfounded allegations…
    Slander and lies…
    You have none…
    Before you fade into oblivion..tell us….

    Did you illegally extend your septic system? Or did you lie about doing so?

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