Rye Teacher Craig Dreves Leading Service Trip to Peru’s Casa de Milagros Orphanage

Rye resident and Middle School teacher Craig Dreves is organizing a service trip to Cusco, Peru from March 28 – April 4, 2010 for interested families and individuals in Rye. The trip will include volunteering at the Casa de Milagros orphanage (working and playing with the children), tours of the ancient city of Cusco and surrounding Incan ruins, an overnight visit to Machu Picchu and an Easter celebration at the Cusco Cathedral.

A former Peace Corps volunteer, an avid traveler, and the founder of his own non-profit aimed at leading local students on international service trips, Dreves is holding an informational meeting about the trip at the Rye Free Reading Room on Tuesday, December 15 at 7pm. 

See the informational flyer and this video about the Casa de Milagros orphanage:



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