Astorino to Sip on Umbrella Drink Before Tiki Bar Decision

Rob astorino at tiki bar playland

(PHOTO: County Honcho Astorino enjoying the Tiki Bar at Playland.)

According to an email received by a Rye resident, Westchester County Exec Rob Astorino is delaying a decision on leasing the private Tiki Bar at Playland 50% additional space.

"The County Executive is taking the Tiki Bar resolution off this week's Board of Acquisition and Contract agenda in order to further evaluate its terms and conditions.  Public access to the boardwalk and pier are of utmost concern for him," said the email from Janet Lokay in the Office of the County Executive who responded on behalf of the county chief.

In a reader poll as of Wednesday evening, 82% of readers are against the Tiki Bar expansion voting "No, our public space is worth more than $15K. I'll bring a picnic and my own umbrella drink." Additional votes can be cast until 8pm Eastern this Thursday, November 11th.

No word on how and when the additional lease gets resolved. Both County legislator Judy Myers and Rye Mayor Doug French have sent missives saying they are on top of the issue but have not issued specific positions on the lease extension.

Myers stirred the pot yesterday bring the issue to everyone's attention and French today said "The City has gotten a few press inquiries about our response to the proposed Playland Tiki Bar contract expansion vote for this Friday.  The City has been actively in contact with the County Executive and his office to share our concerns and those on behalf of Rye residents.  The primary concerns center around encroachment on public space as well as other neighborhood impacts.  Councilwoman Catherine Parker, our Council liaison to Playland, and I will continue to remain engaged in this decision and in the best interests of Rye."

What are you hearing from Rye City, the County and your neighbors? Leave a comment or send an email.


One Comment

  1. 5,500 s.f. / 15 s.f. table = 366 tables.
    $15,000/366 = $41 per table break even.

    That seems like pretty cheap base rent for one of the most picturesque locations in New York.

    It would be great to better understand the economic/public access tradeoffs before leasing away public access to Long Island Sound.

    Negotiations for Seaside Walk are happening right now behind closed doors. This doesn’t bode well for Playland RFP transparency.

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