Huggers, Fly Out & Tweet, Poke & Post: Items on the Rye City Council Agenda for March 14, 2012

Heather     Pattersoncityhall

(PICTURE: Rye City Hall by local artist Heather Patterson)

The city council's agenda for its meeting on Wednesday, March 14, 2012 is out. See you at 8:00pm in Council Chambers in City Hall.

The Council will convene at 7:30 pm and it is expected they will adjourn into Executive Session to discuss real estate matters.

Meetings are also aired on Cablevision Channel 75 and Verizon Channel 39. We'll also see you on the Internet (live and archive). There will be no office Hours of the Mayor this week.

Let's check the batting order and highlights from the 19 agenda items.

  • Doug's Details. Mayor’s Management Report – Legal Update
  • Keep'in it Safe. Review of the Forest Avenue Safe Streets Project.
  • Huggers. Presentation by the EAGR Committee on proposed changes to the City of Rye Tree Ordinance Legislation.
  • Fly Out. Authorization for the City Manager to enter into an agreement with FPM Group, Ltd. to perform hydrology and environmental engineering services regarding the impact on flood storage analysis at the Project Home Run site. Roll Call.
  • March! Consideration of a request by the Milton Elementary School PTO to approve a parade toprecede the Milton Elementary School Fair on Saturday, March 31, 2012 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m.
  • Open Mic. Residents may be heard who have matters to discuss that do not appear on the agenda. Always a crowd pleaser…
  • New Treads. Resolution to authorize expenditure of police donation funds for the purchase of police boots or shoes. Roll Call.
  • Tweet, Poke & Post. Consideration of proposed revision of the Rules and Regulations of the City of Rye Police Department: General Order# 121.04.

The next regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Wednesday, March 28, 2012 at 8:00 pm.





    Mr. French – “The attached property listing is how we bought the property in 1992 – as a single-family use. As many homeowners face, based on the violation, we are filing the appropriate permits with the Building Department to legalize the work that was done by the PREVIOUS OWNER for re-inspection by the department. Based on calls to her on behalf of the complainant, the previous owner contacted us to say the work was done when her daughter was born in the early 1970s – 40 years ago.”

    But unfortunately for said sad French, his revised property listing shows critical differences. Differences he cannot lay off on the previous owner. His 2011 property listing is here –

    And since the questions were submitted in writing now over 45 DAYS ago about WHO in the Building Department permitted and inspected this mid 1990’s total changeover of the home’s heating system from oil to natural gas – AN EXTREEMLY FLAMMABLE FUEL – and why the changeover isn’t reflected on WHO’S property tax card in the assessor’s office – the silence has been as deafening as a gas blow-out would be loud – and as potentially dangerous to residents and firefighters as anything imaginable – and given it’s again, all about YOU KNOW WHO, we can just guess what this means…

    So crank up your speakers – hit the link below – and sing along with us honest non political class home builder/renovator/ improver taxpayers in the bangin City of Rye!

    Who Took the Oil Tank?
    Who – Who – Who – Who – Who?

    Who Took the Oil Tank?
    Who – Who – Who – Who – Who?

    Who Took the Oil Tank?
    Who – Who – Who – Who – Who?

    Well, the money was nice, the money was pumpin’
    Yippie yi yo
    And I’ve been havin’ a ball
    Yippie yi yo

    But now the jig be up
    Yippie yi yo
    And my stooges can’t stop
    My call-out from above and below

    Who Took the Oil Tank?
    Who – Who – Who – Who – Who?

    Who Took the Oil Tank?
    Who – Who – Who – Who – Who?

    Who Took the Oil Tank?
    Who – Who – Who – Who – Who?

    So I told ‘em all “everything’s legit!”
    I always followed the law
    But the records don’t jive, and could be THIS lie
    My boyz can’t swing yet again

    Gonna tell myself, “Hey, man, no get angry”
    Yippie yi yo
    I still be Mayor, at least for awhile
    Yippie yi yo

    And this Mayor sayz “Y’all will lie for me yet again”
    Yippie yi yo
    Or your jobs will be shredded, jus like you dreaded
    When you found me out a long time ago.

    And they all shouted out –

    Who Took the Oil Tank?
    Who – Who – Who – Who – Who?

    Who Took the Oil Tank?
    Who – Who – Who – Who – Who?

    Who Took the Oil Tank?
    Who – Who – Who – Who – Who?

  2. TedC,
    Who- Who- Who lied to the public? Who-Who Who?

    We all know now, that the Fire Department meeting was taped and Mr. Pickup asked a Rye TV employee to lie about the taping. Why, because Mayor French and Mr. Pickup didn’t want the public to know how upset the Fire Department was about the takeover by Pickup. So the lie was sent out “We just didn’t have the ability to tape the meeting” and they also laid the groundwork in that same breath stating that “the meeting at Whitby Castel will not be taped”. Why, because of the introduction of the 10 million dollar bond. A few months earlier the Mayor stated “WE DID A GREAT JOB IN NOT INCREASING TAXES” Was the Mayor just informed that the City needed the 10 million for infrastructure work? Or did he know when they pushed the budget thru? Who really let the dogs out? Who-Who-Who…

  3. Ray, thank me later..

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  4. Why would anyone run Ray!

    You will support anyone that pays attention to you. You need attention, that is where the lifts come in Napoleon! But, in fact when they get into office, and see your cause is completely without merit, you will park your parade in front of their homes. Where their kids play? You think this is justifiable?

    How would any qualified person want to bring their talents for no salary/benefits to our little city when they know that is the penance they are immediately faced with.

    Ray, enough, go away!

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