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Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeSchoolsRye Schools: No Pink Slime Served Here

Rye Schools: No Pink Slime Served Here


Rye City Schools want to be clear: they are not serving "pink slime" or "Lean Finely Textured Beef" to our kids. Want to know more? Read the school's announcement and if you can't help yourself, visit pinkslimeisamyth.com or watch a very exciting video below from the American Meat Institute.

Rye Schools:

"At the Open Topics Forum held last Tuesday, March 27, a question was raised regarding the recent news coverage of Lean Finely Textured Beef, or what some media outlets are calling "pink slime." Food provided by Rye City School District's Food Services Department DOES NOT contain this product. The District has been assured of this by all of its vendors and we have asked each of them to provide written certification to back up their assurances. We will make such written certifications available to the public as we receive them.

Mr. John Rubbo, Food Services Director, informed the superintendent that Lean Finely Textured Beef is created through a process in which the residual beef is removed from the bones and heavy layers of fat. This is done almost solely to commodity beef that the government uses for schools in the Federal Free & Reduced Meal Programs. Although the Rye City School District does have a Free & Reduced Meal Program, the District self-finances the program and does NOT accept commodities from the Federal or State Agencies."

  1. Nothing to do with pink slime, but… the RCSD meets tomorrow night (Wed) to approve a budget for submission to the voters. If you think a better budget (lower tax increase w/o affecting the students) is possible, turn up tomorrow night and speak out.


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