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Sunday, June 16, 2024
HomeSchoolsHazing Case Proceeds in Secret

Hazing Case Proceeds in Secret

Looks like even the court system won't talk about it.

With felony charges reduced to misdemeanors Tuesday (see LoHud.com), the Rye kids charged with the June hazing incident will proceed in the court system in secret (with the reduced charges they are treated as youthful offenders and a trial, a plea deal, anything and everything will be under wraps).

Looks like the court system is following the leadership in Rye, who also have been stunningly silent. The courts are bound by law, our leaders are not. Back in June, when all this went down, local groups and leaders largely hemmed and hawwed until school let out, with some promising action in the fall.

Summer is over. It's getting cold and is still mighty quiet…


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