Rye Caring Committees Offer Help in Wake of Hurricane Sandy

Rye Caring Committees at the Rye High School, Rye Middle School and Osborn Schools are offering help to Rye families that may be impacted by Hurricane Sandy:

Rye High School, Rye Middle School:

The Caring Committee will do its best to assist any RMS or RHS family that experiences a crisis during this storm.  Our email address is caring.committee@gmail.com.  Our cell phone numbers are Susan Gould (914-629-2195), Lora Katsikas (914-565-4527), and Laura Slack (914-646-8339). If you have not joined our committee and would like to, now would be a great time.  Just send us an email with your contact information.  We wish everyone a safe weathering of the storm.

Osborn School:

We know many Osborn families have had issues with flooding and storm damage in the past. The Osborn Caring Committee offers assistance to families experiencing a significant hardship. Should your family experience issues with flooding or storm damage and need assistance, please contact co-chairs Lynn Halpern (917-207-5435, lynn.halpern@gmail.com) or Susan Leslie (917-291-0809, emgmxoxo@gmail.com).  We may be reaching out to other Osborn parents to help those families in need;  if any parents would like to volunteer for the Caring Committee, please contact Lynn or Susan.


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