Meg Cameron, Rye City Council Candidate

Today we introduce you to Rye City council candidate Meg  Cameron:


Publisher's Note: The returned set of questions and answers from Candidate Cameron does not bear much resemblance to the list of questions we sent her. In fact she told "I have answered your questions in a more reader-friendly format and have covered key areas of importance as time has allowed." Questions were left out, completely re-written and new ones were added.
We considered not publishing this at all but decided in the end, better
to share what was available.

My name is Meg Cameron, and I am running for City Council on the Democratic ticket. I am 59 years old. I was born and grew up in Brooklyn, but I have lived in Rye for 27 years. I met my husband, Jim Glickenhaus, when I was 16, and we have been together happily ever since. We have two children, Veronica (25) and Jesse (31), who attended Rye City public schools. Jesse and his wife Amanda have a six-month old daughter, making us proud grandparents.

I have a BFA in Visual Arts and a BA in Biology from SUNY Purchase. I also have a Masters degree in molecular biology and immunology, and came close to earning my doctorate at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

I am grateful to live in Rye. My husband and I have been supporters of numerous local organizations, including among many others the Rye Free Reading Room, Helping Hands and SPRYE. I was one of the original writers for The Rye Record when Dolores Eyler founded it in the 1990’s, and my efforts helped establish the paper. I have done volunteer work ranging from helping out at Milton School to delivering Meals on Wheels to serving on the board of a large not-for-profit health care organization.

I am running because I am disturbed by what I have seen of City government in the last few years, and I would like to make things better. I believe Rye’s three biggest issues are:

  1. To build a stronger City Council that once again focuses its attention on financial oversight and controls, so that the City can provide first-rate City services while controlling taxes. (In recent years, Council members have been distracted from their responsibilities by personal disputes with each other.)
  2. Maintaining the City’s infrastructure. Neglecting routine maintenance until it becomes critical saves money in the short term but is much more expensive in the long term.
  3. Flood mitigation and ensuring that the City is prepared to cope with emergencies. In 2007, flooding left Rye government, businesses and residents with a staggering $82 million worth of property damage. The City has completed the sluice gate at Bowman Dam, which should offer some relief, but it has neglected to initiate any new projects. The next flood mitigation project must be a joint one involving other municipalities upstream from Rye. We need to seek county, state and federal funding for flood mitigation.

I also consider the following issues to be priorities:

  1. Playland – I am in favor of any financially sound solution that includes and improves the beach, boardwalk, pool, ice rink and the amusement park without burdening the surrounding neighborhood with problems such as heavy traffic, year-round loud noise, and spillover parking on neighboring streets. I am against any plan that fails to meet these criteria. I will scrutinize every proposal, and be a voice for Rye residents by pressing the County to choose a solution that is good for Rye.
  2. Rye Town Park – Now, we should have more input into the Park’s management, so that it will better meet residents’ needs. Later, as the planned dissolution of The Town of Rye proceeds, Rye will have to review and negotiate the terms of Park ownership and management to find a solution that makes sense for us.
  3. Rye Golf Club – It is vital that the Golf Club members, whose fees pay for the club’s operations, do not get shut out of the planning process. At this stage the City should seek a management solution that is financially viable and appealing to the public, and must institute safeguards against waste and fraud.
  4. City Employee Healthcare and Pension Costs – These are a large part of the City’s expenses, and union contracts must be negotiated prudently. However, they must be negotiated. Failing to accomplish this year after year leads not to savings, but to mounting legal fees.

If I have the honor to be elected to the City Council, I will work to restore trust in Rye’s government through sound decision-making. My science background has prepared me to tackle complex issues such as those facing the City with analytical skills and rigorous logic. My volunteer background has prepared me to work civilly and productively with all.

Website – RenewRye.Com

Facebook – MegCameronForRyeCityCouncil


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