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HomeGovernmentCounty Legislator and Rye Resident Catherine Parker "Open Minded" on Cuomo Tunnel

County Legislator and Rye Resident Catherine Parker “Open Minded” on Cuomo Tunnel

Cross Sound Link 11-2007

(PHOTO: If the City of Rye is not vigilant, this will be your new front lawn, spewing with 80,000 cars and trucks from Long Island each day.)

In a follow-up to local Rye pols commenting on the proposed Cuomo Tunnel, MyRye.com heard from County Legislator and Rye Resident Catherine Parker, who in a joint statement with follow legislators reports being "open minded" on the tunnel idea, but opposed to the specific RFP put out by New York State.

The statement also says "There needs to be much more review and due diligence conducted by all interested and affected parties before New York State starts reviewing any bids to build this tunnel."

The tunnel is a topic on the Rye City Council agenda for Wednesday night.

You can read the full statement below.

Catherine Parker Andrew Cuomo

(PHOTO: Parker was endorse by Cuomo as a "smart, focused" leader last November.)

Statement from Westchester Sound Shore Legislators, Maisano, Parker & Barr on Proposed Long Island to Westchester Tunnel

"As the Westchester County Legislators that represent the districts on the Sound Shore, we remain open minded on the proposed tunnel from Long Island to Westchester under the Long Island Sound (see Newsday article: https://www.newsday.com/business/sound-tunnel-cuomo-oyster-bay-westchester-1.16369235), but we are opposed to a Request for Proposals (RFP) being done by New York State, based only on its own study, without any input at all from Westchester's elected officials, municipalities, community and environmental groups and residents. There needs to be much more review and due diligence conducted by
all interested and affected parties before New York State starts reviewing any bids to build this tunnel.

We will push for more transparency and an open and objective review process. The communities we represent need more information about this proposed tunnel, and therefore, we will reach out to our colleagues in the New York State government to offer our assistance in setting up the necessary review meetings here in Westchester County."

  1. wait

    Catherine Parker , a Rye resident is open minded to Cuomo’s $50bln tunnel plan that would completely destroy Rye ?

    is she serious ?

    the state is broke , we are overwhelmed with state mandated pensions & benefits for our oversized unionized state employees , and we just got hit with loss of SALT deductions and now we talk about a boondoggle like this ?

    and you are so afraid of him you announce ‘ you are open minded ‘

    this is precisely why NY is going broke and people with companies and wealth leaving

  2. I’m with Divman on this one. She is only in it for her political future.The work load fits with the store operation, the salary and the health benefits follow suit.

    “Catharine Parker the right person to sell luggage and gifts, the wrong person to lead our community”

  3. Catherine,
    Cuomo’s tunnel is going to be a defining issue of coming elections – until the idea is dead and buried. While an “open mind” may be a way to retain political capital, it is not a way to retain the support of the many Rye residents who would be negatively effected by a tunnel or bridge between Long Island and Rye City.


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