Vacation? Put Your House on the Rye PD’s “Dark House” List

Dark house

(PHOTO: Tell Rye PD if you will have a dark house.)

Are you headed to the beach for summer vacation? Will your home in Rye be empty while you are away? Make sure to put your home on the Rye Police Department's "Dark House" list.

This alerts Rye Police to keep an extra eye out on your home. When you call they will ask you a few questions such as how long you will be away, if anyone will be in and out while you are away, if there will be pets left in your house, if there will be lights on timers and if any of your cars will be in the driveway.

To put your home on Rye PD's "Dark House" list, call 914-967-1234. Hit "0" and speak with the desk officer.


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