Rye FD Offers Drive-By Birthday Parades

(Update Monday, April 6th: Rye FD has paused this program. No reason was provided.)

Rye FD happy birthday offer








The Rye Fire Department not only keeps us safe, but wants to put a smile on the faces of birthday boys and girls. In the wake of COVID-19, that’s not easy.

“We want to let people know that we are available to do birthday drive-bys,” Andy Northshield, the vice president of the Rye Professional Fire Fighters Association told MyRye.com. “If people would like to have a small parade of fire trucks drive by their house and make a bunch of noise to help put a smile on their kid’s face on their birthday they can email us at iaff2029@gmail.com. If they do, one of the on duty crew will get back to them and square the details away.”

Wow, that’s raising the game. What an offer.


One Comment

  1. We just contacted them for my son’s birthday that’s this Thursday and they said no because of safety reasons.

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