Latimer Weekly Briefing: 218 COVID-19 Positives in Rye; 1,446 Westchester Resident Deaths – Monday, August 3, 2020

George Latimer COVID-19 briefing August 3, 2020

(PHOTO: Rye guy and Westchester County boss George Latimer during his (now weekly) August 3, 2020 press briefing.)

For Monday, Westchester reported the following City of Rye numbers:

218 total COVID-19 cases since inception;
3 active COVID-19 cases (this assumes the remaining 215 have run the average two week contagion cycle and are no longer active);
0 new COVID-19 cases

Rye guy and Westchester County boss George Latimer held his weekly COVID-19 briefing from the Michaelian Office Building in White Plains. Latimer was joined by Department of Health Commissioner Dr. Sherlita Amler.

Speaking about mask wearing, Latimer said “This is not a matter of want, this is a matter of what is practical.” Latimer asked Health Commissioner Amler comment on reports of larger parties (in violation of rules) as well as reports of people coming into the county from other States and not respecting quarantine rules. “Getting a COVID test does not relieve you of the obligation of (a 14 day quarentine),” said Amler in addressing the dangerous to everyone when people do not follow protocol.

New York State guidelines for Phase 4 mandate no more than 50 people can gather outdoors. Anyone over age two must wear a face covering in public when they are within six feet of others or are in a setting where they cannot maintain six feet of distance from others.

Some rapid Covid tests have a high rate of false negatives that ranges from 20 percent to 45 percent. This means that with some testing kits, nearly half the people who test negative may actually have Covid, but will be told on the basis of the test that they are not infected. Even the standard nasal swab test, known as a PCR test, can produce a false negative if the test is performed during the early phase of infection. These individuals may then go on to spread Covid to others in the community.

Just like everyone else, Latimer is looking at the NY State COVID-19 tracker for county and state level statistics on the pandemic and at the NY State regional monitoring dashboard to see our progress towards continued reopening.

Important to note expanded reporting now shows fatality data from all nursing homes in the State, including The Osborn in Rye.

The COVID-19 numbers:

Fatalities of Westchester residents: 1,446
Fatalities at Westchester nursing homes – The Osborn Home in Rye is reporting six (6) confirmed COVID-19 deaths and six (6) presumed COVID-19 deaths thru August 1st (that’s no new confirmed deaths since the prior update). There is no data from Rye Manor or Vienna Senior Housing.)
Fatalities in Westchester: 1,579
Numbers of persons tested: 400,499
Tested positive: 36,014
% Positive results: 9.0%
Persons tested today:2,919
New positives today: 16



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