Police Blotter: Dig It, Gone to Pot, Nursing a Suspicion & More

The police blotter is a highlight of recent activity from the City of Rye Police Department.

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Dig It. February 4. Fenton Street / Sand Street. Utility-All Other FDig Safely New York requests a mark-out for Suez Water. Foreman Micalizzi notified.

Gone to Pot. February 4. Theodore Fremd. Road-Damaged. Complainant reports that his vehicle’s rim and tire were damaged by a large pothole on Theo. Fremd between Orchard and Locust Ave. Photos taken.

Nursing a Suspicion. February 4. Nursery Lane. Suspicious Vehicle. caller states vehicle parked in lot, keys left in with doors open. CAR BATTERY DEAD. COMPLAINANT WAS ABLE TO REACH R.O.

Can You Shovel Me Now? February 4. Purchase Street. City Code Violation – UN Unshoveled Sidewalk. report of verizon store with ice sidewalks. shops notified.

Rocky Road. February 4. Lindbergh Avenue / Byrd Street. Road-Blocked. caller states there is a very larger rock/bolder in the middle of byrd street when you turn onto byrd street from lindbergh ave and it is obstructing the roadway. THE BOULDER CAUSING THE OBSTRUCTION TO THE ROADWAY WAS MOVED TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD. 10-98

Good Dog, Bad Owner. February 5. Dearborn Avenue / Rickbern Street. I observed a loose dog running in the street in the area of Rickbern / Forest. I located the dog’s owner at __ Dearborn. Owner brought dog back inside. 98.

Not Daffy. February 5. Milton Harbor. Environment Conservation. caller at marshlands states duck hunters are shooting towards shore. car 12 sent. No hunters observed.

What’s Your 20? February 5. Milton Road / Playland Parkway. Assist Citizen. 911 CALLER STATES THAT HE IS DRIVING A LARGE TRUCK AND IS CONCERNED ABOUT THE HEIGHT RESTRICTIONS. BACKED. truck escorted to i287.

Shhh! February 5. Orchard Avenue. Loud Party. report of loud party in rear. cars 10 and 12 sent. CONDITION CORRECTED 10-98.

Ranger Rick. February 5. Milton Road / Oakland Beach Avenue. Animal Complaints-Other Animal. caller reports a sick or injured raccoon. car 12 sent.

Porch Pirate. February 6. Nursery Lane. Assist Citizen Resident requests a report for to document missing Amazon packages.

Even The Workers Paint. February 7. Rye Arts Center / Milton Road. Alarm-Burglary. AT THE RYE ARTS CENTER. GALLERY MOTION. PERMIT #1779. NEGATIVE ON CANVASS 98. Workers on site painting. Alarm set off in error. BFA. Backed 16.

This Guy. February 8. Club Road. Larceny. Walk-in report. Complainant states that on February 6, 2021, he had $455 stolen from his bag while he was at Apawamis Club. statements taken and report prepared. 98

Calling PD on Security. February 9. Westchester Medical Group / 1 Theall Road. Suspicious Vehicle Key Holder ____ of West Med states there is a suspicious vehicle in the parking lot who refuses to leave the property. Cars 18 and 11 disp. Vehicle was security. All checks. 98.


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