Boys Varsity Soccer Puts Ardsley Through the Saw Mill

Rye Boys Varsity Soccer 2022-09-25 vs. Ardsley

Rye Boys Varsity Soccer put Ardsley through the saw mill on Saturday, stacking a 2-1 win over the Panthers at home.

“We came out on the front foot again, putting together several first rate scoring opportunities in the opening minutes,” said Rye Boys Varsity Soccer Coach Jared Small. “It was great to see us take another early 1-0 lead in the fifth minute, and of course disappointing to concede a goal on a corner kick only 15 minutes later. The opposing goalkeeper was brilliant today, and while we ultimately waited until very late to score the game winner, I think the fantastic shot stopping on the other end masked the fact that we generated a lot of opportunities that typically would have resulted in goals.”

Tommy Broderick opened the scoring in the 5th minute after Ollie Lincoln volleyed a ball to Stijn Terlouw, who cleverly slipped a ball into Broderick. Broderick evaded the goalkeeper with an excellent touch to his right before slotting home his 11th goal of the season.

Soon after, Terlouw’s left footed curling shot seemed bound for the upper right corner of the goal until an outstretched Nikolai Lund tipped the shot wide. The Garnets maintained control of the match until Ardsley’s Edward Chen headed in a Noah Segal corner kick to draw the match even at 1-1.

Rye had a bevy of scoring opportunities in the second half before Broderick scored his 12th goal of the season off a beautiful feed from Julian Koide to put the Garnets up 2-1. Defenders Jack Gilroy, Charlie O’Rorke, and Patrick Quinn stood out for their composed play, and midfielder Jack Childs put in a complete effort on the defensive and attacking ends to help Rye control the midfield.

The Garnet record shifts to 6-3. Watch the replay. Varsity plays at Eastchester on Tuesday at 4:30pm


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