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Rye Clean Energy Fair Saturday: Q&A with Dandelion Energy on Geothermal Heating & Cooling

The Rye Clean Energy Fair is this Saturday, May 13th from 10:00am – 3:00pm at the Rye Middle School. Meet companies that can help make your home more sustainable, learn how to make your yard climate and pollinator friendly, and get close up with a variety of electric cars on the market.

Today meet Vinay Sharma, senior director of marketing at Dandelion Energy. Sharma tells us what you can learn from his company on Saturday.

(PHOTO: Dandelion geothermal heat pumps installed in the basement of a Westchester home use electricity, not fossil fuels, to provide heating and cooling.)
(PHOTO: Dandelion geothermal heat pumps installed in the basement of a Westchester home use electricity, not fossil fuels, to provide heating and cooling.)
(PHOTO: Vinay Sharma, senior director of marketing at Dandelion Energy.)
(PHOTO: Vinay Sharma, senior director of marketing at Dandelion Energy.)

Your Name: Vinay Sharma, senior director of marketing at Dandelion Energy

MyRye.com: What does your company do? 

Sharma: Dandelion Energy mission is to liberate homes from fossil fuels. We design and install residential geothermal heating and cooling systems that eliminate the need for burning fossil fuels for heat.

What will your company be doing at Rye Sustainability’s Clean Energy Fair on Saturday, May 13th?

Sharma: We are here to provide education about the options available to homeowners to heat and cool their homes more efficiently and sustainably. Today, most homeowners are aware of solar power and EVs, but they don’t know there is a better and safer way to heat and cool their home.

(PHOTO: Dandelion Energy uses small, nimble rigs to drill the hole for a geothermal ground loop in a customer's backyard.)
(PHOTO: Dandelion Energy uses small, nimble rigs to drill the hole for a geothermal ground loop in a customer’s backyard.)

When thinking about clean energy and home energy efficiency, what are two or three things a homeowner should consider for the biggest impact?


  1. First, a home is one of the biggest offenders of carbon emissions since people use oil or gas to heat in the winter.
  2. Second, the most efficient way to heat and cool is with geothermal because it uses the constant 55 degree temperature in the ground as a starting point.
  3. Lastly, it’s the safest and most comfortable way to heat a home. There are no gas or oil emissions in the basement and the air is not as dry.

What are some of the ways available to finance these clean energy options? And what sort of industry rebates, incentives and government tax incentives are available?

Sharma: You can pay cash or qualified buyers can get $0 down financing over 10 or 20 years.

What are some of the ongoing maintenance and safety issues with clean energy systems, and how does this compare with older oil and gas systems? 

Sharma: The biggest maintenance with a heat pump is changing the air filter consistently.  Aside from that, there are is regular maintenance but there’s no gas or oil leaks to worry about!

Thank you, Vinay!

Learn more, visit https://dandelionenergy.com/

Video from Dandelion Energy showing how geothermal heat pumps can heat and cool your home:


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