Village Green Butterflies Bring Public Art, Climate Awareness & Scholarship Funds

The Rye’sAbove butterfly sculptures debuted on the Village Green Thursday, bringing a second year of public art, climate awareness and scholarship funds to the community. About eighty people, including a flight of public officials, came out to witness the organizers from Rye Rotary and the Rye Arts Center unveil these oversize pollinators.
“I want to talk about butterflies and what butterflies mean,” said Rye resident and State Assemblyman Steve Otis, who clearly explained the butterfly trifecta. “Butterflies mean in the case of this public art. We we should say something about the importance of art displays in public places and what that does to enrich us all.”
“But butterflies, I think are symbolic in other ways,” continued Otis. “We live in a time where climate change and extreme weather and our planet is really at risk. Think of butterflies as something that is beautiful but also butterflies are vulnerable, like we are. So there’s symbolic value in thinking about beautiful butterflies and the beauty of the world that we live in that we have to protect. Also, let’s think about the educational programs that the scholarships fund, which is so important because another thing that is delicate is to get yourself educated if you’re a kid today,” said Otis, as he finished explaining the triple threat of the new arrivals on the Village Green.
Where to See the Flutter
After the butterfly sculptures are kept on public display, they will be auctioned at a benefit event on September 29th to support educational programs in the region. Last year the benefit raised $29,000. Residents can see the biggest butterflies anchored across the Village Green. Smaller butterflies will be viewable in store fronts up and down Purchase Street.
Various Meanings

“When I was looking at all the different types of butterflies around the world, I was caught first by it’s very strong blues and yellows [due to] what’s going on with Ukraine,” said artist and former Rye Arts Council employee Richela Fabian Morgan, creator of the large 35” x 45” Magnificent Owl Butterfly. “Then on the other side of it, it’s so different. It speaks to the duality of human beings. I just thought it was just the most magnificent looking butterfly because it’s another it’s another animal being imitated on a butterfly.”
“And so the idea of not only, you know, support for Ukraine, but also the idea of we have multiples within ourselves, the duality of the colors,” continued Morgan. “I just felt like it was something that if you had it in your backyard, it’s contemplative. Yeah, I mean, all these different ways.”
Information on each piece of artwork is available via a QR code on each installed piece. You can also go directly to the auction website to learn more about each piece of art and to place bids on your favorites. You can bid anytime via the auction website as well as at the Rye’sAbove Benefit and Close of Auction at Wainwright House to be held on Thursday, September 29th from 5:30pm – 7:30 pm. Tickets are $100.