Myers on Fixing Up Playland, Your Help Needed

A Letter from Westchester County Rep Judy Myers

Dear Playland Beach Lovers,

Spring has sprung and Westchester County and its contractor are hard at work fixing the beloved Playland Boardwalk and Beach!!! That's the good news! But we need your help to get this job completed.

Unless the contractors have unimpeded access to the entire boardwalk and beach, they will not be able to do their work in time for the season. The Parks Department has asked everyone to avoid going onto the boardwalk or beach until the work is done. There is signage indicating this, but it's still extremely tempting to run and play right now… but, please, refrain. We need to get the boardwalk and beach back in shape for the 2013 Playland season.

So please, spread the word… stay off the boardwalk and beach for now so that we can guarantee access this summer!

Thanks so much,

Judy Myers

Judith A. Myers
County Legislator, 7th District
Westchester County Board of Legislators


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