Olympic Champ in Rye

Our kids have not gone to Rye Rec camp for years but I still get the emails. Mostly because they are hilarious and occasionally informative.

And then yesterday's email broke a local news story…

Whalen time magazine

We have an Olympic Silver Medalists in our midst:

"So this morning Sara Hess, mother of Tucker Hess in KB, tells me she has a silver medal at home.  She tells me she won it while playing for the US women's soccer team.  I just found this on Wikipedia–….(her maiden name is Whalen)…

[go read Wikipedia entry here]

Whalen pic

How freakin' cool is that!!  We have a bonafide superstar walking among us…I got teary eyed watching that World Cup final–okay, I cried a bit–and Mrs. Hess was starring in the game!!!  She might be mad at me for sending this, but there was no way I could keep this to myself.  What were you doing in the 90s??"

Could not have said any of this better myself…


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