Little Garden Club of Rye Completes Restoration of Nanderwhere Pond at Rye Nature Center

(PHOTO: Full Restoration of Nanderwhere Pond has been Completed.)
(PHOTO: Full Restoration of Nanderwhere Pond Has Been Completed.)

For years, Nanderwhere Pond at the Rye Nature Center had been a perfect place for residents to observe nature and find peace. But like many other areas of Rye, it was significantly damaged by Hurricane Ida in the summer of 2021.

After several months of planning and several more months of construction, however, Nanderwhere Pond is back to its old self. The Little Garden Club of Rye recently finished a complete restoration effort of the pond’s natural area and surrounding infrastructure.

The Little Garden Club of Rye’s president, Jean Taplett, and fellow member Mary Julian spearheaded the project. Teaming up with conservation staff from Friends of Rye Nature Center, the Little Garden Club of Rye worked to reintroduce native vegetation to the pond’s surrounding areas. The observation deck, which had been upended and broken during Ida, was also repaired.

(PHOTO: The Completed Observation Deck at Nanderwhere Pond.)
(PHOTO: The Completed Observation Deck at Nanderwhere Pond.)

“We are so grateful to LGCR (Little Garden Club of Rye) and GCA (Garden Club of America) for their support,” Friends of Rye Nature Center Executive Director Christine Siller said. “We know that this restoration project will be an asset to the Nature Center, help enhance our programs, and make the grounds a more beautiful and welcoming place for those looking to relax in nature.”

A “Restoration Initiative Grant” proposal was submitted to the Garden Club of America in November 2022, and a $10,000 award was announced in early 2023. Little Garden Club of Rye then matched the GCA’s grant to completely fund the project. 

Among the new plants are Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum), Turtlehead (Chelone glabra), Blue Flag Iris (Iris veriscolo), Cinnamon Fern, and Monkey Flower. Invasive plants that were removed include Garlic Mustard, Japanese Knotweed, and Lesser celandine.

(PHOTO: Several Volunteers Helped Clean Up the Surrounding Areas of Nanderwhere Pond.)
(PHOTO: Several Volunteers Helped Clean Up the Surrounding Areas of Nanderwhere Pond.)

The new observation deck is a big boost for the Rye Nature Center’s various educational programs, as accessibility to the natural area increases. Additional native trees and shrubs will be planted in the coming months, too, and new signage will be added.


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