Andy Spano and Your Old TV: County Collects 2,400 Car Loads of Toxic Junk

DSC07376(PHOTO: Electronic waste finding a safe home on Saturday) Andy Spano's Westchester County held its semi-annual "Household Recycling Day" at Playlandthis Friday and Saturday. By one account of an event staffer, the Westchester County event had record activity – 900 cars on Friday and 1,500 cars on Saturday – all bringing electronic waste, chemical waste and old pharmaceuticals for safe disposal and papers for shredding.

If you missed the chance to safely dispose of the nasty stuff in your garage, Westchester County holds these events year-round in different Westchester communities, including an event in Portchester next Saturday. See's photo album of of the well run county clean-up event.

We hope Westchester County verifies its waste handlers process these materials in a safe manner. Just last night, 60 Minutes aired a disturbing expose on how a lot of American electronic waste is shipped overseas to China and disposed of in very unsafe conditions. See the 60 Minutes story here:


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