(PHOTO: Mayor Josh Cohn speaking at the swearing in ceremony for new and renewed council members on January 1st, 2022.)
New and renewed councilmembers were sworn in Saturday during a brief ceremony at Rye City Hall.
“For those of us going into our second terms, there is the satisfaction of knowing the people have said that we did well enough the first time to be turned loose again,” Rye Mayor Josh Cohn said before being sworn in for his own second term. “I guess that our newcomer feels something similar in the public trust that has been bestowed upon him,” he said, referring to first term Councilman Bill Henderson. Cohn, along with Councilmembers Souza and Stacks, are returning for second terms.
The event was limited to councilmembers and immediate family due to COVID concerns, but you can watch it all right here on MyRye.com.
“And thank you to our friends and families for supporting us through our campaigns, despite perhaps not knowing why, exactly, seemingly rational people would do as we’ve chosen to do,” continued Cohn. “Finally, thank you to all who have one way or another, given us the privilege of serving our little city and moving it still ever forward.”
After Mayor Cohn’s brief remarks, he, along with new Councilmember Bill Henderson, and returning Councilmembers Julie Souza and Ben Stacks, were all sworn in by Rye City Judge Valerie A. Livingston. Councilman Josh Nathan, who was sworn a month ago by Rye City Clerk Carolyn D’Andrea, Esq., was on hand to welcome his new and returning colleagues.
(PHOTO: Rye City Judge Valerie A. Livingston on January 1st, 2022.)(PHOTO: City Councilman Bill Henderson was sworn in at Rye City Hall by Rye City Judge Valerie A. Livingston on January 1st, 2022. It will be his first term.)(PHOTO: City Councilwoman Julie Souza was sworn in at Rye City Hall by Rye City Judge Valerie A. Livingston on January 1st, 2022. It will be her second term.)(PHOTO: City Councilman Ben Stacks was sworn in at Rye City Hall by Rye City Judge Valerie A. Livingston on January 1st, 2022. It will be his second term.)(PHOTO: Mayor Josh Cohn was sworn in at Rye City Hall by Rye City Judge Valerie A. Livingston on January 1st, 2022. It will be his second term.)(PHOTO: City Councilman Josh Nathan was sworn a month ago, on December 1, 2021 by Rye City Clerk Carolyn D’Andrea, Esq. He is finishing the final two years of fill the remaining two years of Pam Tarlow’s council seat.)(PHOTO: Bill Henderson’s sister Sara Buckley; City Councilman Bill Henderson; his wife Beth Henderson and Forrest Henderson, his eldest son on January 1, 2022.)(PHOTO: The Souza family – Jake (12), Councilwoman Julie Souza, Hayden (13), Julie’s husband John Souza, and Luke (11) on January 1, 2022.)(PHOTO: The Stacks family – Ben’s wife Kim O’Connor, Kate Stacks, Hannah Stacks and Councilman Ben Stacks on January 1, 2022.)(PHOTO: Rye Mayor Josh Cohn with his daughter Hannah on January 1, 2022.)(PHOTO: The new and renewed council members on January 1, 2022 – Julie Souza, Josh Cohn, Bill Henderson, Josh Nathan and Ben Stacks.)