Rye Schools Prepare for Full Return to In Person Learning

Rye High School vlogger, Lesley Lachman - polycarbonate desk shield
Rye High School vlogger Lesley Lachman sits behind a polycarbonate desk shield

The Rye school district said Thursday night it would begin to undertake operational planning to prepare for a full return to in-person classroom learning.

Governor Cuomo made a public statement Wednesday night that reopening would be allowed if approved at the school district level. How we get from the Governor’s statement to actually having kids in the classroom appears as clear as mud to this writer.

School’s boss Eric Byrne said “At this time, the District will begin the operational preparations necessary to safely reopen schools for full-time, in-person learning with the expectation that guidance will be forthcoming.” The District cleared the agenda for Tuesday’s board of education meeting in order to discuss the sausage making necessary to achieve a return to in person learning.

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Here is the district communication:

From: Eric Byrne
Date: Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 5:32 PM
Subject: Governor Cuomo Announces Full Return to In-Classroom Learning Can Be Decided at Local Level
To: Rye City School District Recipients

Dear RCSD Community,

In an interview last night with CNN, Governor Cuomo stated that schools can return to full-time in-person learning citing new data from the CDC. He further said that the decision to fully return should be made by localities (i.e., local school districts) and that teacher’s unions would have a big voice in the decision. An article about the interview is linked below:


The District has not received any official information from the Governor’s Office, the New York State Education Department, or the State or County Departments of Health, nor has any state guidance been updated and disseminated. We have reached out to these entities today to request specific guidance on fully reopening.

At this time, the District will begin the operational preparations necessary to safely reopen schools for full-time, in-person learning with the expectation that guidance will be forthcoming. Detailed information will be presented at Tuesday night’s Board of Education meeting. The budget presentation and discussion that was scheduled for Tuesday night will be moved to the meeting on February 23. I will use the previously scheduled community forums the week of February 8 to review the information and answer community questions. Links to attend those meetings will be provided in tomorrow’s community update.


Eric Byrne, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools


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