Q&A: Human Rights Award Winner & Bread of Life Director of Community Outreach Sue Wexler
On Wednesday night, three local residents received awards from the City of Rye’s Human Rights Commission. Today meet 2023 Human Rights Award Winner & Bread of Life Director of Community Outreach Sue Wexler. Read our other coverage on current and past award winners and the Human Rights Commission.

Your Name: Sue Wexler
Your Role: Director of Community Outreach, Bread of Life [aka Giving Tree Global]
MyRye.com: Describe yourself in one word:
Wexler: Empathetic
Where do you live in Rye or Rye Neck?
Wexler: I have lived in Rye for 23 years on Packard Ct
Tell us about the activity that led to the award.
People come to us for physical food but also for food for their souls. For love, prayer, a kind word or to share their story with someone who cares. In my role I also partner with our schools, community organizations, churches and synagogues. It is wonderful to educate our youth and adults about hunger in our community and provide them with opportunities to help their neighbors.
Wexler: My inspiration for serving others came from my mom, who nurtured and cared for many in her community. I have been working with the Falcos since Giving Tree Global began in 2012. Through this work I nurture countless people. It is wonderful to serve others but I too have been deeply impacted as I love the one in front of me each day, whether it is a child, a teenager, a struggling mom or a precious senior.
Wexler: A Rye resident
How did you hear you won the award?
Wexler: Rita [Capek, chair of the Human Rights Commission] called me over the weekend to tell me about the award and it was a very emotional moment. It warmed my heart to know that the work I was doing in the community was making an impact on the lives of others.
What’s next?
Wexler: We are always looking for others to join us in the work we are doing and to love our neighbors well. We welcome financial support through our website and volunteer opportunities are always listed on our website. Community/neighborhood food drives of nonperishable items is a great way to partner with us and help us feed our food insecure neighbors.
- I enjoy walking my dog along the playland parkway path and the beautiful boardwalk.
- Playing pickleball with friends is one of my newest passions!
- Going on date nights with my husband or having dinner with friends at one of the wonderful restaurants in and around town.
Thanks Sue!