43 Year Old Man Arrested for Posting Bills, Resisting Arrest & Drugs

On Friday, April 5th, Rye PD arrested a 43 year man for Posting Handbills, Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance 7th, Obstruction of Governmental Administration and Resisting Arrest. It all began when Rye Police Officers observed two individuals posting “public auction” signs along Purchase Street. Bill posting is illegal in the City.

When approached, neither of the two individuals could produce any identification. One of the individuals, subsequently identified as 43 year old Matthew Funkhouser of Warrenton, Virginia, attempted to flee from officers. After a brief foot pursuit, Funkhouser was placed under arrest and transported along with his partner, a 40 year old female also from Warrenton, Virginia, to Rye Police Headquarters.
During the search of his person, incident to arrest of Funkhouser, a small black bag with nine green capsules containing suspected narcotics were discovered as well as a cap containing a white powdery substance also believed to be narcotics. Funkhouser was processed and charged as noted above. The second individual, whose name was not released, was charged with a City Code violation for Posting Handbills.
Funkhouser was released on his own recognizance with a return court date of April 16, at 9:30am. Rye PD reminds you that booking charges are merely accusations and the defendant(s) are presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty in a court of law.