Jay Sears is the owner and publisher of MyRye.com. He is a 20+ year Rye resident. Contact Jay here: https://myrye.com/tips-letters/
Expanded AED Availability Across Rye City
EMS, the City and the local school district have worked to expand the availability of…
Police Blotter: Enterprising Sleep, Feeling Gassy, Cut Only, No Blow, Out of Tune & More
The police blotter is a highlight of recent activity from the City of Rye Police…
Stolen Ford Explorer from Rye Involved in Deadly Police Chase
On April 14th, the Rye PD warned residents to take measures to prevent vehicle thefts…
Police Blotter: Blind to the Law; Suspect Has Carrot for a Nose; Super-Spreader in Room 338
The police blotter is a highlight of recent activity from the City of Rye Police…
Police Blotter: Bender, With Fender; Christmas Tree; Fenced In!; Screening for Bad Guys & More
The police blotter is a highlight of recent activity from the City of Rye Police…
Police Blotter: Not a Ship, a Car; Bambi Needs Orthopedist; Gassy Withdrawal & More
The police blotter is a highlight of recent activity from the City of Rye Police…