Help Rotary Fight Polio, Monday, 10am – 1pm on Purchase Street

Part of the the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for more than 35 years. You can help Rye Rotary in the fight this Monday – World Polio Day – in front of Webster Bank (72 Purchase Street) from 10:00 am- 1:00pm.

Throughout the world, each time a Rotary volunteer administers a polio vaccine, a child’s pinkie is colored purple with the topical an antiseptic dye Gentian Violet – temporarily marking him or her to prevent double dosage on National Immunization Days (NID).
On Monday on Purchase Street, donations will be accepted from people to have their pinky nail painted by Rotary members. “Purple with a Purpose” nail polish is also available for purchase for $20 a bottle which is especially created by nail care company OPI for this event.
Rye Rotary is hoping to raise $500. Every dollar raised by The Rotary will become $4 due to matching gifts from Rotary International and the Gates Foundation. So, $500 raised with yield a $2,000 donation for World Polio Day. It costs about $1 to immunize a child against polio. Once thought eradicated, today Polio rates are once again on the rise across the world.