Guest Column: The COVID-19 Vaccine: FACT vs. FICTION
Dispelling the myths and setting the record straight on the vaccine’s safety and effectiveness.
Special promotional content provided by White Plains Hospital
By Dr. Michael J. Palumbo, executive vice president & chief medical officer at White Plains Hospital

WITH COVID-19 vaccines being rolled out nationwide, the beginning of the end of the pandemic may finally be in sight. Hundreds of thousands of healthcare workers have already been vaccinated—and serious side effects have been extremely rare. Medical experts are strongly urging everyone to get the vaccine as soon as they are eligible, for the protection of themselves, their loved ones, and their neighbors.
We know there are still a lot of questions about the new Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, and here we dispel some common myths:
FICTION: The vaccines are not effective.
FACT: Clinical studies have shown the vaccines are safe and effective. The Pfizer vaccine, which requires two injections 21 days apart, has an efficacy rate of 95%. The Moderna vaccine, which requires two shots 28 days apart, has been shown to be 94% effective.
FICTION: The COVID-19 vaccines have severe side effects.
FACT: According to the CDC serious side effects are very rare, in fact it is at the same rate as the annual influenza vaccine.
FICTION: The vaccine will give me COVID-19.
FACT: Neither the Pfizer nor Moderna vaccines contain the live viruses that cause COVID-19, so you will not get COVID-19 from getting vaccinated. In fact, the vaccine will initiate a response that will cause your body to start making antibodies that will help you build up an immunity to the virus.
FICTION: I’ve already had COVID-19, so I don’t need the vaccine.
FACT: There’s no guarantee you’ll be protected if you’ve already had COVID-19, and it’s not clear how
long any immunity could last. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that people who have had COVID-19 get vaccinated because reinfection is possible.
FICTION: I can stop following safety precautions after I get vaccinated.
FACT: No. Health experts want to be sure how long the vaccine’s immunity will last before recommending easing safety precautions. You should still wear a mask, wash your hands, and practice social distancing to protect anyone you come in contact with.
For up-to-date information, please visit White Plains Hospital’s vaccine resource page.