Girls Varsity Swimming Winds Up in Deep Water in Tri Meet

Rye Girls Varsity Swimming & Diving wound up in deep water in Tuesday’s tri meet with Horace Greeley and White Plains but with some noticeable performances floating to the top.
Against Horace Greeley, Rye fell 97-81. “Senior Ellie Mackle won the 100 Breaststroke and 200 IM,” said Rye Girls Varsity Swimming & Diving Coach Kelly Johanson. “She’s 24th in the Section top 40 list in the 100 breast.” Sophomore Zoe Lien won the 50 free and was 2nd in the 100 free. Junior Mia Waldman was 3rd in diving. Senior Julie Tiedemann was 2nd in the 500.
In the swim lanes against White Plains Rye fell 103-20. Sophomore Zoe Lien pulled out two wins in the 50 free and 100 free. She was able to drop time in the 100 free and has moved up to 28th on the Section top 40 list. Senior Ellie Mackle won the 100 breaststroke and was 2nd in the 200 IM. Senior Julie Tiedemann was 2nd in both the 200 free and 500 free.
The team moved to a 2 – 5 record for the season.