Rye High Civics Club to Host Mayoral Democratic Primary Town Hall Wednesday

The Rye High School Civics Club is hosting a virtual town hall between the two mayoral candidates this Wednesday, May 26th at 7:00pm, ahead of the Democratic primary on Tuesday, June 22nd.
Incumbent Mayor Josh Cohn and challenger Danielle Tagger-Epstein will be introduced by the Civics Club and before facing questions collected from the Rye student body. The candidates will have three minutes to answer each question.
The event is being organized by Civics Club Co-Presidents Junior Claire Killian, Junior Rachel Mehler, Freshman Holbrook Langley and Freshman Felicia Ambrogi. The event is open to the public via this Google Meet link. The organizers remind viewer the meeting capacity is 250, so show up on time for your virtual seat.