Pet Adoption: Rowan, Sweet and Smart features dogs and cats that are up for adoption by Pet Rescue, a no kill pet shelter in Harrison.

Rowan Status: Adoptable
Age: 3
Breed: Shepherd Mix
Gender: Male
Adult size: Medium (35-55 lbs)
Rowan is a sweet, fun, three-year-old, female, shepherd mix that still has puppy goofiness while being super smart. She is truly a people dog that loves children and lots of interaction with her family. She loves to nap in a ball on a living room chair and will definitely sleep in your bed every night! Rowan responds to word and sound commands, with excellent manners (usually!) both on and off leash. She is fully house broken and even taps on the door when she has to go out. Rowan shows her love by giving LOTS of licks, sometimes a one-off lick when she walks by you or a full lick attack when she climbs on your lap to cuddle. She’s a licker. When you pet her, she places her paw on your arm.
By far, Rowan’s favorite thing to do is swim, so a home with a pool or a family that loves the water would be ideal. She is great in the car and loves to ride shotgun, chase a ball, chew sticks, lay in the sun and go for trail walks in the woods. She will chomp on a bone for an hour and then sleep for the next hour! But most of all, Rowan loves people. She is happiest when surrounded by her family. While she can be left alone for 3-4 hours, she does not like it. The best fit for Rowan would be a family with dog experience and a fenced in yard. She needs people that are home a lot or that has at least one member of the family home frequently throughout the day. She’ll ride with you to pick up the kids or do errands and be happy in the car.
Rowan loves exercise, which keeps her engaged and calm. A walk in a woods type setting is best, rather than sidewalk or street walks. Of course the walk is for doing her business, but is even more important to keep her engaged, stimulated and challenged. Three walks a day plus a couple yard visits is ideal, but it is sufficient to do a minimum of two walks plus yard visits. A home with extensive property would reduce the number of walks necessary if she was able to run around, explore and play in non-walk situations.
Rowan loves to play, wrestle and run with another dog that is a good match. Recently, on some occasions, she has been dog selective, acting nervous and defensive around some dogs. This is extremely rare, but it is important to introduce new dogs properly and stay alert to avoid scuffles. A home with one other dog could be a big positive to provide company and a buddy, if they are a good fit together. (No other pets – she does NOT like cats). Sometimes she can get mischievous and find trouble. On occasion she will counter surf or root around for something to chew (usually cardboard or something interesting she finds in an open garbage – she has never chewed a shoe!). These behaviors are very rare and usually take place only when she is bored or when she urgently has to do her business. Rowan was rescued as a puppy by her current owner who has showered Rowan with love, attention and training ever since. The current owner worked from home until being forced to change jobs due to COVID.
Now, Rowan is staying home alone more than ever before, which her owner feels isn’t fair since Rowan is such a social, people-oriented dog that loves interaction. Because of this, Rowan’s current owner has made the heartbreaking decision to try to find a new home that will once again give Rowan consistent company without long stretches of being alone. Rowan is an amazing companion and a great dog. She thrives around people and returns love tenfold with true loyalty and affection. She will make the right family very happy and they will be lucky to find her!
Please send initial inquiries to [email protected].
If you want to meet Rowan, or any of the other dogs or cats at Harrison’s Pet Rescue, you can learn more about the adoption and foster processes, email ([email protected]) or call (914) 835-3332. The shelter is located at 7 Harrison Avenue in Harrison. You can also volunteer at the shelter.