(PHOTO: Osborn School students, Nora Smyth and Coco Lax, showcase their window and positive message about peace for Ukraine at Rye Eye Care.)
The 69th Annual Halloween Window Painting on Purchase Street and across Rye was a big hit on Sunday with lots of budding artists. If you missed it, take a stroll down Purchase Street and enjoy the artistic and creative talent we have in Rye.
(PHOTO: Osborn School students, Isabella Koh and Amarinta Boxford, put the finishing touches on their window at Starbucks.)(PHOTO: Midland School’s Owen Picker and Zachary Stewart Lewis add to an already colorful window at Blue Mercury.)(PHOTO: 6th graders Vaughn Ibrahim, Eva Gupta and Manuela Fernandes work together to create a festive window while being extra careful to keep their workspace at Palmer & Purchase clean and paint-free.)(PHOTO: 6th graders Vaughn Ibrahim, Eva Gupta and Manuela Fernandes work together to create a festive window while being extra careful to keep their workspace at Palmer & Purchase clean and paint-free.)(PHOTO: Rye High School Freshman, Cameron Harwood, Willa Byrne, Lucy Donahue and Cara Scansaroli, help little ones with arts and crafts while they wait for their window paint to dry.)(PHOTO: Just a few of the freshly-carved pumpkins on display at the annual Window Paining event.)(PHOTO: Midland student Zachary Fry’s best effort to resemble his new pumpkin.)(PHOTO: Rye High School Sophomore Chole McComb won one of several professionally-carved pumpkins for her doorstep.)(PHOTO Co-Presidents of Children’s Philanthropy, Megan Pellarin and Christine Groves, oversee two large tables of cupcakes, cookies, candy and other sweet treats for hundreds of hungry painters and their families. To learn more about the event, reach out to Children’s Philanthropy for opportunities to volunteer (and get a coveted downtown window!) next year. )