Bunnies and Egg Hunters Spread Across Rye

Who does like bunnies and candy?
This past Saturday brought out 900 or so egg hunters and a handful of bunnies across Rye.

At Rye Recreation there were close to 500 people who attended the hunt. Egg Hunters were divided into 4 different hunting areas (or pens) searching for eggs and a certain colored coin that meant you won a prize. Four prizes per pen were won. Hunters enjoyed the weather, the hunt, and especially meeting Hoppity the Bunny and his Rye FD friend, whose name remains undisclosed (inquires to FD went unanswered as of press time).

At The Osborn, more than 400 children and parents went on the hunt. Annually, for the past 21 years, this event has been drawing participants from all over Westchester County and Connecticut. During the festivities, 6,000 candy-filled Easter eggs were hidden for kids to find, gather, and enjoy. The event is held in memory of The Osborn’s former chair Jack Miller.