Meet the Rye Town Park Commission and its City of Rye Commissioner Mayor Josh Cohn

In this series, will introduce readers to the boards and commissions of the City of Rye and the residents who run them. All volunteers, these residents give their time and expertise to keep our city running. The series is intended to bring visibility to what each board and commission does, its priorities and what might prompt a resident or another person or company to interact with the group.
We have made our best efforts to reach out to each board and commission chairperson directly or via City officials. If you are a board or commission chair and have not been contacted, or if you are a reader with feedback on this series, please get in touch with
Meet the Rye Town Park Commission and its City of Rye Commissioner Mayor Josh Cohn.
Your Name: Josh Cohn
Name of the Board or Commission You Chair: I am one of two commissioners representing the City of Rye on the Rye Town Park Commission. What is the Charter for Your Commission?
Cohn: The Rye Town Park Commission is the governing body for Rye Town Park, which was established in 1907 by state law and, as that law has been modified, is composed of representatives of the Town of Rye, the City of Rye, Rye Brook, Port Chester, and the Town of Rye portion of the Village of Mamaroneck.
- Establishing park policies (regarding use fees, etc.)
- Supervising park budget and fundraising
- Approving contracts and construction

Looking at 2024, What Will Be Your Top Initiatives?
Cohn: The major area of focus will continue to be effecting much-needed renovations of the century-old buildings at the park with requisite care and fiscal discipline.
- Bathhouse renewal will continue
- Beach level bathrooms anticipated
- Other renovations subject to typically grant funding
Who is the City Council Liaison to Your Commission for 2024?
Cohn: I am the liaison to the City Council.
Tell Us About the Residents or Others You Interact With at Your Commission.
Cohn: I (and my fellow City of Rye Commissioner Emily Hurd) interact with our commissioner colleagues in our monthly meetings and otherwise with park staff and parkgoers. Parkgoers may express concerns about park fees, rules, environmental conditions, etc.
When Was Your Commission Chartered by the City of Rye?
Cohn: The commission, like the park, exists by virtue of state law, much amended since the 1907 founding of the park. The role of the commission has remained fairly consistent over the years, with occasional addition of new powers to deal with evolving conditions in and around the park.
Looking back across 2023, what were your Commission’s top achievements?
- We accomplished putting a new stucco exterior skin on the bathhouse after serious delamination was discovered. Due to the emergency nature of the project, substantial work was done at city and town expense without grant support.
- We continued our attempt to bring the park budget process into a rational chronological relationship with the city’s budget process in order to allow rational decision-making in both the Park Commission and the city.
Tell us about you:
How long have you been in the role?
Cohn: Since January 2018.
What is your day job?
Cohn: Mayor of City of Rye.
How much time does your role require in a typical month?
Cohn: Highly variable. As little as 4 hours, maybe substantially more. Time is spent at the monthly meeting, keeping up with emails on park issues, phone conferences, etc.
How would your friends and family describe you in one word?
Cohn: No idea!
Pick one:
Select from: | Your Pick: |
Coke or Pepsi? | COKE |
Regular or diet? | DIET |
Action movie or rom com? | ACTION |
Cook, order in or eat out? | EAT OUT |
Dog, cat or no pet? | NO PET |
Balsamic vinaigrette or ranch? | RANCH |
Ruffles Original, Lay’s Barbeque or Funyuns? | LAY’S BAR-B-Q |
Still, sparkling or tap? | TAP |
Where do you live in Rye and how many years have you lived in the City?
Cohn: Milton Point
Thanks Josh!